Our Actions

Throughout its more than four decades of existence, FJC’s deep concern about education has guided its projects.

This principle has directed most of the Institution’s funds toward maintaining its 6 schools and 3 socio-educational projects.

Every year, is provided direct assistance for approximately 3,800 students, who remain in the Institution for an average of 14 years, from Early Childhood Education to High School or Technical School.

With units distributed in cities with low social development in the state of Bahia, the Foundation ensures that all of its students receive study materials, meals, and full uniforms free of charge, aiming to provide quality education accessible.

Our Schools

Mário Barbon Technical College

Pojuca - BA

Meet the School

Maria Carvalho School

Early Childhood Education
and Elementary School
Pojuca - BA

Meet the School

Tina Carvalho Rural School

Entre Rios - BA

Meet the School

Márcio Seno School

and High School
Andorinha - BA

Meet the School

Denise Carvalho School

Early Childhood Education
and Elementary School
Catu - BA

Meet the School

Rolf Weinberg Rural School

Elementary School
and Professional Education
Pojuca - BA

Meet the School

Socio-Educacional Projects

With its attention permanently focused on underprivileged children and youth, especially regarding the fragilities associated with the Brazilian educational context, the Foundation created the Sistema Garimpando Talentos (Searching for Talents System), which combines socio-educational actions with objectives structure by two basic aspects, both, in essence, in line with encouraging the internalization of positive values for the individual’s education, which are: the possibility of access to quality Education; and the cultivation or enhancement of its participants’ skills, in the fields of arts or sports.

Currently, the Garimpando Talentos System comprises two programs: Tons do Amanhã (Tomorrow´s Tones) and Um Campeão na Escola (A Champion at School), developed to assist Public School students. In general, these are afterschool activities, mixing tutoring in Portuguese and Math, developing content aimed at cultural enrichment and citizenship education, in addition to the specific tasks of each project.

Tons do Amanhã Program

In addition to the common base of humanistic education and support offered by all the components of the System, the Tons do Amanhã Program, created in 2009, provides musical knowledge, including flute, classical guitar, and clarinet lessons, among others. As a result, this initiative also originated the Tons do Amanhã Orchestra, integrated by the Program’s students capable to perform an extensive repertoire of domestic and international classics.

Um Campeão na Escola

(A Champignon at School)

Started in 2017, the Program is a result of a partnership with Esporte Clube Bahia (ECB), one of the most famous professional soccer teams in Brazil. Aside from the essence incorporated throughout the Sistema Garimpando Talentos, the Project weaves its threads through the association between the activities of academic support and sports, creating perspectives for social inclusion through quality education and access to sports practice.

The Program is structured to serve up to 200 children from the ages of 8 to 14, and includes the development of other curricular components, such as: computer science, English, besides soccer lessons being under the technical guidance and supervision of ECB. The Project also opens up to participants, according to talent and progress achieved the opportunity of being recruited by soccer team’s´s junior categories after completing the programmed cycle.